30 December 2011

Tea and things

A jasmin tea and tow metal boxes filled with old medals. Found them in a cupboard at my mum's (she had no ideia where they came from). Loved this finding. I wonder who collected them?

Somewhere only we know

* photos by J

Paris 3 - Colour coordination

Last day today. As we said our goodbyes, the tube had a last surprise for me: the stripes in my bag matched the ones in the seats! How weird is that? Its the first time ever I've been colour coordinated with seats!

29 December 2011

Paris 2 - @ Collete

If you've never been to Collete be sure to visit this place on your next trip to Paris - immerse yourself in creativity and find out new trends emerging in various areas. Its an experience. Just go. We went. Again.

Paris 1

We arrived in Paris and we'll stay for a few days. Freezing day today. Even though its always nice to walk in this city. So many beautiful places and things to see.

I loved this street art intervention! The shocking pink skelleton was quite stricking against the black tar.

Window shopping is always a must. 

J took me to 'Deux Magots', one of the most traditional 'patisseries' of Paris to try the best hot chocolate ever...

At night we walked in the Champs Elysées. So beautiful.

Up the hill, in Sintra

 The day was lovely so we went to Sintra. Such a long while since we'd been there. Walking through the village, then up to the castle, no destination in mind.

18 December 2011

An old treasure: an embroidery canvas

My great grandmother (whom I didn't get the chance to meet) used to do beautiful embroideries, mostly flowers - millions of tiny stitches with silk thread. She would choose a design and copy it by hand in vegetable paper, then she would stretch a piece of silk fabric onto the frame and copy the design and then the embroidery process would begin. But this one didn't.